Diaries Magazine

One Photo Four Ways - Adobe Lightroom Course

Posted on the 05 March 2015 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages
One Photo Four Ways - Adobe Lightroom Course
I have greatly enjoyed One Photo Four Ways-course at ShillShares, where Kelly Ishmael shows the basics of her post-processing workflow in Adobe Lightroom. I am smitten by Kelly's photography style, especially the soft haziness and the feeling of vintage in her images. Kelly is a co-writer & photographer on Focusing on Life ; that is where I her beautiful and serene photography caught my attention. You will find more of Kelly's photography on her blog Minding My Nest.
One Photo Four Ways - Adobe Lightroom Course
Kelly gives you a brief and concise introduction to the develop mode in Lightroom, before she starts to guide you through the four different edits. Her videos are very helpful in orientating you in the Lightroom - you can easily follow along, even if you are not familiar with editing in Lightroom.

I chose  to use my "Message in a Bottle"-photo, that I took a few weeks ago, for this course. I like the highlights on the flower and on the bottle ... and that the focus is on the flower in the foreground. 

One Photo Four Ways - Adobe Lightroom Course
One of the things I appreciate for learning in this course is how to create a hazy look to an image in Lightroom by making slight adjustments to the tone curve - therefore the edit above is my favorite of these four. 
One Photo Four Ways - Adobe Lightroom Course
Achieving a proper amount of contrast and color play in the X-pro edit above was a bit of a challenge to me ... Yet I enjoyed a lot adjusting the curves and playing with the endless possibilities.
One Photo Four Ways - Adobe Lightroom Course
Another "Aha"-experience to me was the making of a black and white- image. I appreciate finding an easy way of creating natural highlights to the areas of your choice by simple adjustments.
I warmly recommend Kelly's inspiring and enriching One Photo Four Ways-course at ShillShares - Thank you Kelly for giving insight in your post processing workflow!
 ...Until next time,NinaSharing with Saturday's share Fest by The Sits Girls

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