I shared about the use of techniques using recycled materials, mixed media and more. It was lovely to have people in my creative space and it made it come alive even more
Fellow Sculptor and Mixed Media artist Afreekan Southwell
Studio Tour Visitors blessed my creative space
Next years tour aims to be bigger and better with it being the 10th year of CaFAIt was also great to be part of the main exhibition which brought into the Island over 40 Artists sharing their amazing work.
Sharing a moment with Curator/Artist Oneka Small and Artist Russell Watson
Artist Earl Darius Etienne demonstrates his fabric pieces
Therapeutic Art with Artist S.Ross Browne
Designer modelling her own clothes
And shared my work in the main exhibition of the FairStill working on a few videos of the exhibition and will share as they get done.
For further information on the Caribbean Fine Arts Fair 2020 - https://www.cafafair.com/