Opening Day Should Be National Holiday

Posted on the 31 March 2014 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
We all know that I love college football the most, but MLB is a strong second. My husband on the other hand LOVES baseball. It should be a national holiday. Now I (the hubs) will take over on this!

My favorite sport is baseball! I love MLB, Minor League Baseball and college baseball. College football is a strong second. The wifey poo is opposite of me on this, as previously stated. Opening day should be a national holiday. There was a petition signed to take this to congress. The first signature was by hall of famer, Ozzie Smith. Although I'm not a Cardinals fan, I respect Ozzie, the wizard of Oz, Smith! It has gone to the house and hopefully it will get passed. This now brings me to the next point....OPENING DAY!

Opening day for the MLB is tomorrow. This is truly better than Christmas morning! People will skip work, play hooky and kids will be pulled out of school for this glorious day! Jessa and I experienced our first opening day last year while we were in Phoenix. We saw the Diamondbacks and Cardinals! Opening day was everything I could expect and I wish that we could play hooky and go to another this year! BTW the D-Backs won that game! I love opening day because it is the start of a new season, every teams ace pitcher pitches against each other and everyone, no matter who you root for, is still thinking their team has a chance to hoist the World Series Trophy in October. My Brew Crew included! Opening day is special because you get to see new rookies who earned their spot on a team and in some cases the last hoo-rah of some great players. Derek Jeter of the New York Yankees and Paul Konerko of the Chicago White Sox will have this last hoo-rah this year. Both of them are sure fire hall of famers. I forgot to mention that opening day is the first time that you can have that hot dog made fresh from a grill and have that beer that you have longed to drink since October ended! So play hooky, call in sick and take the kids to the ballpark to watch the greatest game, America's past time in person! Get ready for all 162 games and the dog days of summer!