Operation Christmas Clean up and a Tea Party

Posted on the 27 December 2011 by Thehouseofhuff @Houseofhuff
The day after Christmas is always a sad day to me.  After all of the excitement and festivities during the month of December, once Christmas gets here, it goes by so fast that it is almost like a let down.  I remember being a kid and making those paper chains for the countdown until Christmas and it felt like it would NEVER get here.  Now that I’m an adult, each Christmas creeps up on me!
Yesterday was operation clean up from Christmas day.  Our house is swimming in a sea of pink and purple!  We decided to make the spare room a playroom for now. We were trying to hold off for another baby, but with all the toys we have, we had to go ahead and make a playroom! HA!  We will cross *that other* bridge when we get there ;)

Mia helping her daddy put together her new toy shelves!
We got all of our Christmas décor packed up and put away, toys put away, playroom put together and even some laundry done!
Poppy and Uncle B came over to visit while Meme worked. We went to a party supply store and Olive Garden for dinner!

Yep, that’s my dad and husband. LOL

Don’t be jealous ladies, he’s *ALL* mine, mullet and all!  HA!
Once we got back home, Mia and her B played Tea Party with her new tea set she got for Christmas. It was the sweetest sight!  Mia loves her Uncle Ben!

Meme got off work at 730 and came over to hang out.  We played cards and talked and laughed and just had a great night!  Love my family!