Organix Snacks: Review

Posted on the 10 April 2014 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy

Since he turned 1, Tyne has been doing so much better with finger foods.
I had been a bit worried from the age of 9 months or so that he was perhaps a little behind in this area of development - he had always been just fine with baby foods at the appropriate stage, but struggled to eat anything home cooked or deal with finger foods other than rice.
Anything chunky meant he started to gag and choke, until we intervened.
It was stressful for us and stressful for him I imagine - but I feel that just giving him time to develop at his own pace was definitely the best thing, as now he seems to be enjoying all sorts of different finger foods and homecooked meals with no issues whatsoever.
He enjoys feeding himself spaghetti bolognese, and breadsticks are a real favorite at the moment.
We were recently sent some snacks to review from Organix.
I was excited for Tyne to try them, as their Carrot Stix had been one of his favorite snacks for months so I was sure he'd enjoy the Sweetcorn Salsa Snappy Crocs that were sent to him.

We tried them out for the first time during our trip to the zoo.
I gave the packet to Tyne and he did surprisingly well holding it for himself and dipping his hand in when he wanted one.
The crocs are the perfect size for his little hands to grip, and they seem to melt in the mouth easily while still giving the all satisfying crunch! (Can you tell that Mummy tried them to?! All in the name of reviewing of course - I am happy to confirm that they are yummy!) 

The crisps are an organic baked corn snack coated with sweetcorn, coriander and spices - all the ingrediants are 100% organic, with absolutely no junk at all!
This gives them the Mummy seal of approval for sure, but in the taste stakes - it's all down to Tyne...So what did he think?!

He 100% approved!!
Organix offer a wide range of snacks and meals for little ones aged 4 months plus, to see the range and more details please visit
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