Self Expression Magazine

OTL: Swagbucks Vs Superpoints

Posted on the 18 May 2012 by Librarygirl @LibraryGirlRead

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OTL: Swagbucks vs Superpoints
Do you remember the post I wrote about Superpoints in mid-April? The one where I gave you all of the advantages of the Superpoints program over the Swagbucks program? Yeah, forget all that...
In a recent Superpoints blog post, they announced some major changes to the program that are taking effect immediately. Among those changes are a 1,000 point cap on points you can earn through referrals and a changing price structure for rewards. This essentially changes the program to be exactly like Swagbucks! Granted Superpoints has also added some additional ways to earn points (like coupons and more special offers) but these are essentially things that Swagbucks has already been doing for a while.
While I think I will continue to use both programs, I think I will be switching my focus back to Swagbucks. I tend to earn more Swagbucks on a search than I do points for using the Super Lucky Button so I can get rewards faster. I will definitely still be clicking on the emails from Superpoints that contain points because those take no effort at all.
I am frustrated that both programs rely so heavily on recruiting new referrals and I refuse to spam my blog or twitter stream in an effort to do so. I know it takes me longer to earn enough for gift cards because of this but when people sign up and then don't actually use the service, that doesn't help anyone out either. Yes, you will still see Swagbucks and Superpoints on the blog and twitter stream once in a while because it never hurts to put it out there for new followers or those who may have missed the details but I'll try not to annoy everyone with it. I just love getting Amazon gift cards and cash to help pay for Christmas gifts.
Do you use Swagbucks or Superpoints? What has been your experience? If you are a Superpoints user, what do you think about the recent changes?
Note: All opinions provided on this blog are my own. If a product was given to me for review, the source of that product is noted in the post. Bookstore links are generally affiliate links and I do earn a small amount for each purchase. Other affiliate links will be noted in the post.

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