Our Chalkboard Wall.

Posted on the 22 August 2011 by Scarlettandstephen

It’s been a little over 4 months, and every day of being married, we’re still realizing what a beautiful gift marriage is from the Lord.

One of our favorite things in our newlywed house is our chalkboard wall in our bedroom.  We wanted to create a place in our house where we can surprise each other with fun silly encouraging notes to each other.  With all the pre-marital books we read during the time of our engagement, we learned how important it is to continue building each other up once you become husband and wife.  So when we learned that you can buy chalkboard paint, we decided to dedicate a whole wall to have as a sacred place we can continue to remind each other how much we love each other.

What’s something you can do today to remind your loved one how much you love them?  It’s the little things that go a long way.