Our Christmas Tree

Posted on the 07 December 2013 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Our Christmas Tree is decorated and now proudly displayed in our living room.

Finally our Christmas Tree is up. We did have plans to have it up for the 1st but hubby did not get it out of storage and then went to Melbourne for a week for work. Yes busy times, and I was looking after 2 very naughty little people, who did not listen and were not behaving at all!

These little people have been staying up to all hours and everything I have tried is not making them sleep! A big day out, still no sleep. A day in the park, still no sleep. A day out with craft at home, still no sleep. A big day out and a bath before bed, still no sleep! AHHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why won’t my sleepy excited monkeys behave?

Is it due to Christmas approaching? Is it the age? Is it the fact that they need to stay up later due to being older? Is it that they are overstimulated? I don’t know but all I know is that quiet time before bed does not work, so maybe the fact hubby is now home might help. I will leave it to him tonight as I am over the bedtime routine, he can have the joys of kids not sleeping or behaving. You know what will happen now, they will sleep and behave!

The girls as mentioned have been super excited about Christmas and that said were all over the place and very helpful to a point with putting up the tree. Decorations were mostly put on by the twins and I put some fragile decorations on to make sure they were looked after and put on the tree correctly.

So we now have a decorated tree in our living area and it brightens the place up, don’t you think? I do love Christmas and the season, however I am exhausted and want to have a lie down now! Kids were so excited it has warn me out. Oh and the constant questions have driven me a bit insane. Does this happen to you? I hope you are o.k and managed to hang get the tree sorted without incident. The girls are now playing outside and crossing fingers and toes not making a big mess in the process.

Have you put your tree up? When do you like to put the Christmas Tree up for, what is the ideal date? Did your kids help you with the decorations? If so were they helpful? Send in your comments.