Self Expression Magazine

Our Daily Bit

Posted on the 16 July 2014 by Wifessionals @wifessionals
Our Daily BitExactly two years ago from today, I sat down in our apartment in Arizona and wrote my very first blog post. At the time I had no idea what blogging really was, and I was completely unaware of the community that existed surrounding this new hobby of mine. I quickly fell in love with it, and over the next few years, poured creativity, hard work, and heart into Wifessionals. There were ups and downs along the way - days where I couldn't picture not having my blog and others where I wanted to just delete it. But I always felt like I wasn't ready to walk away from it. So I just kept blogging.
After Rilynn was born, the amount of free time I had drastically diminished. I am so appreciative that I am blessed to stay home with her and I want to cherish this time. As months have gone by, I have realized that I just don't have time to maintain my blog anymore. I get small pockets of free time each day, but once I'm done taking care of things around the house, there's just not time to spend an hour typing out a blog post. For weeks I struggled with trying to decide where I wanted to go from here. I love the relationships I've created with other women, mothers and bloggers. I like the ability to share something fun I learn or a new, delicious recipe. But how could I keep those things without keeping my blog?
A few weeks ago, I changed my instagram handle as a first step towards my goals moving forward. After hours of chatting with other friends and bloggers, I finally came up with an idea I was actually excited about! I have made the decision to move all of my blogging to instagram. I have always liked this platform in the social media world. Instagram gives you the chance to still post pictures and text, link your posts together (through hashtags), and connect with a large community. While I know that not everyone has instagram, I do know that a large majority of other bloggers and moms do.
I chose the name Our Daily Bit because I love that you can share small pieces of your day and life on instagram. These little "bits" are what make up my feed. I will have everything I used to have here on the blog: recipes, DIY projects, helpful tips, things about motherhood & parenting, baby fashion, and so much more! I'm excited that I have a way to still share my heart and use my creativity, without taking time away from my daughter. I can post a recipe in 5 minutes, where as before it could take 30. I can quickly talk about a sippy cup that we love, ask moms for their favorites, receive helpful comments and respond - anywhere I am, anytime of day, and in seconds. I don't have to be tied to my computer. I don't have to invest hours of my day.
Blogging was so wonderful for me over the past two years! It is something that I truly enjoyed and I will always look back on this project of mine and smile. I am so grateful for all of the love and support shown to me from this community. Your encouragement through my pregnancy, Ryan's unemployment and our various moves around the country were something that means more to me than you will ever know.
I would absolutely love for you to come along and join me on this fun and exciting new chapter! If you ever want to say hello or chat, you can find me at:
instagram // @ourdailybitemail // ourdailybit (at) gmail (dot) com
I also wanted to leave a quick reference for anyone who stops by. I am planning to leave my blog up for now, so the recipes and blog series will still be available. Here are some of the most requested posts & series from Wifessionals:
Funfetti Birthday PancakesBlogging Secrets: Anything You Could Ever Want To KnowCloth Diaper SeriesPreparing For A Little One SeriesTough Topics SeriesI Wanna Know Series
Thank you for allowing me to share my life and heart with you guys! My hope is that my blog was able to encourage women and connect them with others who may be in the same season of life. I know that I have made some lifelong friendships through blogging and I can't wait to see all of the fun things that come about from Our Daily Bit (:

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