Once they were dry I cut out all the shapes and laid them on the table. Ben thought this was fantastic and we had lots of fun using them to tell stories. Chicks were hiding behind Easter eggs from bunnies who came hopping along while butterflies flew past and picked up eggs and then dropped them into volcanoes. Yes - volcanoes, Ben is obsessed with them since there was one in Jake and the Neverland Pirates. When he had enough of the storytelling we decided to assemble some cards which you can see pictures of below.
Bunnies, eggs and butterflies!
Slightly odd shaped chick painted by Ben :)
Inside of card
Inside of card
Easter egg and Bunny detail
Back of cards
I have to say I love these little craft projects just as much as Ben and I know that his Grandparents are going to be delighted when these cards arrive in the post.