I was so pleased with ours, it felt like it was really family focused and that's what I loved the most.

Whilst Friday and Saturday were normal working days for us, Sunday was a day off and it was a day that I felt we really made the most of. We started the day with an Easter egg hunt, followed by breakfast and giving the boys' their Easter boxes which they were so excited about. We then headed over to my in-laws, where we met up with Adams brother and his girlfriend, Adams sister and both of his parents. I'm really close to Adams family and I feel so fortunate and grateful to have them. I feel like we're really similar in so many ways and I'm very thankful to have them all in our lives.
We then all took Ethan bowling for his very first time, he was so excited when we told him where we were going and he really enjoyed pushing his bowling ball off of the ramp and down the bowling alley. He got a little tired half way through as we were there during his normal nap time, so he swapped with Logan, who was kindly then held by his Auntie Ellie and Ethan sat in the pram for a while whilst we finished up our games. I hadn't been bowling for years and I have to admit, I really wasn't very good, but we did have a lot of fun!

After bowling we headed back to Adams parents house where we sat and watched the video I'd edited together from our time in Disney World from February. Adams brother's girlfriend worked in a bar in New Zealand (where she is from), so she made us all some very nice cocktails which we sipped whilst relaxing and waiting for dinner. Dinner was lovely, Adams Mum had decorated the table with a fun, bright Easter theme and she had made us our own vegetarian 'toad in the hole' with dessert and Easter egg for afters.
In the evening, we consumed yet more cocktails after the boys had gone down to bed. We had been invited to stay over, which meant we could both have something to drink and relax knowing that we weren't going to have to wake the boys up to go home. We spent the evening sipping cocktails, playing games and staying up late - I think it was about 2am when we finally called it a night. The morning was spent having a last little chill out, Adams parents had cooked us a lovely breakfast and we all just sat around for a while chatting and keeping the boys entertained between us.
We really did have a lovely little Easter this year and having a family sleepover day has made me feel so excited for our Lake District holiday that we have booked for May this year. It's so nice to be able to spend time together as a family and just really take a chance to slow life down and relax for a while.

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