Our Secret Project – ¡Geekeria!

Posted on the 12 October 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

originalLotería is a Mexican game of chance that factors heavily in both Dave’s early childhood culture and my own.  The images on the cards are iconic, but sadly out of our wheelhouse. Though we grew up with these icons, neither Dave or myself even really speaks Spanish– let alone understands the import of the imagery.

Yet, the game is still important to us.

Growing up, we played with our own families on Thanksgiving and Christmas, and now we play the game with just the two of us, or friends.

We decided we needed an update, though, so last night we made our own version.

We call it ¡Geekeria!

We know it’s not necessarily part of your culture, but it’s our way of saying “Thanks for being a part of our family.”

You can read more about lotería, and our version of it over at our joint blog: http://thequeencreative.wordpress.com/2013/10/12/geekeria/

(If you’re a geek, you’re going to want to check our images.  We’re pretty pleased with them!)

Once you figure out the game, let us know, and maybe we can arrange a ¡Geekeria! Google Chat night. You should be warned, though– we’re quite competitive.


Are there any meaningful games in your childhood or culture?