Already bummed about the new year? Fear not! Here are our top ten favorite quotes, and what they actually mean! Comment your favourites, and any quotes that you think should be on the list.
What we take it to mean:Sometimes it can feel like no matter how hard you try, you are nowhere near meeting your goal. Feeling disheartened, and probably lying in bed stuffing oneself with chocolate, what we tend to forget is just how far we have come! With determination, creativity and tons of Ben and Jerry's; We will get there. 8. "Don't gain the world and lose your soul. Wisdom is better than silver or gold."
What we take it to mean:I have this quote stuck in on the first page of my diary, so that everytime I open it its the first thing I see. The reason I chose this quote was because it instantly struck me, the words are rhythmic and stick in your mind, and its such a wonderful attitude to have. It reminds me to be true to myself always. 7.
What we take it to mean: If you have visited this blog before, you know just how much we adore Marilyn Monroe. Her strength, beauty and bursting personality are nothing on her attitude towards the "size zero" industry. Marilyn shows that being curvy is sexy and beautiful. Its a wonderful reminded that all body types should be celebrated, and all are beautiful. <3
What we take it to mean: Every Time we read this quote it makes us smile, no matter how upset we feel. It reminds us that life isn't about waiting for bad things to pass you by, but to embrace them and learn from them, and it reminds us of the musical "Singing in the rain", which is equally fab.
"20 years from now,you will be more disappointedWhat we take it to mean: Remember that awful outfit you thought was a good idea? That haircut that took ages to grow back? In 20 years time, they certainly won't bother you! So take chances, and be proud of what you have learned from your past mistakes! Seize all the opportunities! 4."Stars can't shine without darkness"~anon.
What we take it to mean: We have all been through bad situations, but we have made it through. Undoubtedly there will be more to be thrown our way, but we have learned and grown from them. We wouldn't be who we are without them. 3."The best moments are the ones that aren't planned"~ anon.