Our Vacation in St. Petersburg, FL

Posted on the 04 June 2013 by Elena @croppedstories

Being that I just returned from my blog break, I am doing a lot of catching up.  Trying to sort through my emails has been such a time consuming task that I haven't been able to think about topics to blog about.  To me, it's not all that important anyway.  I much rather maintain my social relationships by responding to emails, visiting blogs, and returning the love with follow backs!  With that said, if you emailed me and still haven't received a response, you should expect to see something soon!


Since I kept my blog break plans very vague, I thought I'd share them with you now.  We went to St. Petersburg, FL with my mom and stepdad!  We stayed at the Tradewinds Island Grand Resort right on St. Pete's Beach and let me just tell you it did not disappoint!  Among the abundance of activities (mostly centered around kids), the accommodations were very good also!  We stayed in a two bedroom suite and had a wonderful tropical view of the paddle boats, pond, swans, and pool.  It was tough getting up every day, relaxing in our cabanas, swimming in the ocean bath water, swinging on hammocks strung between palm trees, playing mini golf, splashing around in the pools, paddling our boats around the resort, and holding our breath as we prepared for the ride down the gigantic water slide!  Yeah, it was a tough vacation.  We also had some amazing homemade ice cream and creamy gelato in downtown St. Petersburg and enjoyed fine dining at Johns Pass.  It was a great vacation and Alivia had an absolute blast!  It's been heartbreaking to hear her ask "can we go in the kiddie pool", "are we going to the restaurant", "do you want to play mini golf" since we've been back home.  She was a little sad that we left and asks to go back almost every day.  Although she really doesn't grasp the concept of time, I still try to explain to her that we will go back next year.  

In the meantime, I have about a million pictures to process. It's overwhelming really!  Today I only have 3 to share, but I love them!  I can't get over how big she looks and still can't believe she'll be turning 3 in just two months!  The only thing that repeatedly comes to mind is OMG!

By the way, did you guys know that I was featured on The Sunday Sip over at More than Mommies?  I'm very excited about it!  Feel free to check it out if you have a chance!  For those of you that aren't familiar with my blog site and are interested, it's a great opportunity to learn a few things about me!

And if you missed my previous post, Spot the Differences, I hope you'll check that out also!  Additionally, if you missed my poll at the top of my page in the sidebar to the right, I hope you'll take a few seconds to vote.  I would really appreciate it!

Okay, that's all I have for you today.  Catch you guys later!

Technorati Tags: florida,vacation,tradewinds,new image,child photography,black & white photo,the sunday sip,more than mommies,rest & relaxation,st. petersburg,consumer info.