Self Expression Magazine

Overcome the Lie

Posted on the 16 April 2013 by Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
After hearing about things like what happened in Boston yesterday, I just want to say that my heart, my thoughts & my prayers genuinely go out to every single person who was affected by what happened at the Boston Marathon. I can't imagine the pain, hurt & anxiety that is staining the hearts of so many people.
It's encouraging to hear about things like Overcome the Lie during times like this. Overcome the Lie is all about empowering a generation of women to overcome the lie because Jesus overcame the grave.
Overcome the Lie
Today I want to share some of what has been on my heart. Sometimes life can get a little crazy. Crazy as in, not exactly what we have planned. But guess what y'all...that's okay. I'm learning that I don't have all of the answer and more importantly, I'm not supposed to. That's what faith is for. I don't have all the answers, but my Savior does so all I have to worry about is casting my worries on Him. Trusting Him. Leaning on Him.
Doesn't that take a load off? Knowing that you don't have to worry. That you shouldn't worry. That it's your job not to worry. I don't know about you but I just took a deep, relieving breath of fresh air after letting that sink in.
Most of what goes on in my life doesn't make sense to me. Not necessarily in a bad way but more like an uhh this is not going as my bullet point listed life plan is written out. You feel me type-A ladies? Anyway, I've been learning that I have to be persistent in trusting Jesus. I have to choose to trust Him daily. Some days are easier than others, sure. But I have been reminding myself that persistence is key in making an impact.
I refuse to give up. I refuse to give in. I refuse to lose faith.
I choose to keep pushing. I choose to keep fighting. I choose to trust Him.
The wonderful Overcome the Lie team has made a print that y'all can buy from their store to go along with this post:
Overcome the Lie Visit the store to purchase the print!
If you want to connect with Overcome the Lie and support what they're doing, you can find them on Facebook, Twitter & on their website.
Happy Tuesday, lovelies :)
Overcome the

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