It's encouraging to hear about things like Overcome the Lie during times like this. Overcome the Lie is all about empowering a generation of women to overcome the lie because Jesus overcame the grave.

Today I want to share some of what has been on my heart. Sometimes life can get a little crazy. Crazy as in, not exactly what we have planned. But guess what y'all...that's okay. I'm learning that I don't have all of the answer and more importantly, I'm not supposed to. That's what faith is for. I don't have all the answers, but my Savior does so all I have to worry about is casting my worries on Him. Trusting Him. Leaning on Him.
Doesn't that take a load off? Knowing that you don't have to worry. That you shouldn't worry. That it's your job not to worry. I don't know about you but I just took a deep, relieving breath of fresh air after letting that sink in.
Most of what goes on in my life doesn't make sense to me. Not necessarily in a bad way but more like an uhh this is not going as my bullet point listed life plan is written out. You feel me type-A ladies? Anyway, I've been learning that I have to be persistent in trusting Jesus. I have to choose to trust Him daily. Some days are easier than others, sure. But I have been reminding myself that persistence is key in making an impact.
I refuse to give up. I refuse to give in. I refuse to lose faith.
I choose to keep pushing. I choose to keep fighting. I choose to trust Him.
The wonderful Overcome the Lie team has made a print that y'all can buy from their store to go along with this post:

If you want to connect with Overcome the Lie and support what they're doing, you can find them on Facebook, Twitter & on their website.
Happy Tuesday, lovelies :)