Pain In The Butt... I Mean The Ankle

Posted on the 05 September 2011 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Last week I noticed my ankle did not feel quite right. I tried doing some stretches but that did not seem to work. However, since there was no actual pain I continued with the exercises I have been doing before work the last few weeks. These workouts consist of jogging on the treadmill, or walking and jogging intervals on the treadmill, as well as some resistance training like squats, burpees and pop squats. Well Thursday night I noticed some swelling and the not quite right feeling has evolved into discomfort. I have been trying to stay off it, keep it elevated, and iced.
It is no secret that I need to lose some weight. I also want to lose weight and achieve that Devil’s Workshop Goal of fitting into a single digit dress size. While I don’t necessarily talk or write a lot about losing weight it is always on my mind. It has been on my mind more so lately because of a question someone asked me. I am trying to date more often and meet more men and have been using some online dating sites. I have used these sites or similar ones in the past with pretty good responses. However, this time around I have not received a lot of hits or responses when I have reached out. The question I was asked is, “Do you think your weight has anything to do with why you’re not getting many responses this time???”
I know the person who asked the question is coming from a good, genuine, my best interest in mind in place. So I know no hate or negativity is intended. Therefore, I have to really consider the question that is being asked. I believe the there is a strong possibility that the 25 + lbs that I’ve gained since I did online dating 6 years ago could have something to do with the lack of response. Now I know some guys like bigger girls but not all. To be fair I do not prefer a really big guy.
So, since I do want to date more I am accepting that losing weight could help me with that goal. Also If I lose weight I know I can buy a wider variety of clothes that make me feel sexy, I will like what I see in the mirror a bit more and all of that will translate to a sexier, happier me. And what guy could turn that down???
With all that being said this bum ankle is really getting in the way. Since, I am focusing more seriously on losing weight, now is not the time to stop or decrease the intensity of my workouts!!! But since this ankle is going to be a pain in the butt, that is what I am going to have to do; take some time off the treadmill and off of the high intensity burpees and pop squats.
I believe everything happens for a reason so I do not think it is a coincidence that I was presented with this tough question about my weight just days before I realize I have an injury. I think that was God’s way of lighting a fire under my ankle (ha ha I know what you thought I was going to say) in terms of me getting my eating habits under control. I have relied too heavily on my workouts for weight lost and now is my opportunity to focus on eating how I know I should.
So I am reminding myself that weight loss is about 80% diet and 20% exercise. I will keep moving as much as I can with non weight bearing exercise but now is the time for me to get my diet the way I want it to be.
How is your diet? Do you workout? Which one do you rely on more to get in or stay in shape? Have you lost weight with a pain in the butt ankle or other injury???
Less fat = Better Health = Sexier Clothes =More Confidence = More Boys = More Joy