Paint It Black, #1243

Posted on the 09 November 2015 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

I might be a creative person, but in all honesty, i don’t have an artistic bone in my body. My father is an amazing professional sculptor, and you would think that some of that artistic ability would have rubbed off on me.  Not so!  Once I signed up for a pottery class, and it was just a joke.  It’s okay, I know my strengths and weaknesses, and visual art is just not one of my G-d given abilities.

I might not be a painter or good at drawing anything that resembles an ounce of realism, but I am crafty.  I love scrapbooking and am a frequent Michaels Arts and Crafts shopper.  It might be obvious that if anything could inspire me to get out some paints, however, it would be music.

Well, with Halloween behind us, I had a left over gourd that dried out and became an amazing natural shaker.  I have bought so many gourds over the years in hopes that this would happen.  Finally, this year I got a beauty, so I decided it needed to be painted.  I wanted to hand it off to my daughter loving the idea of immortalizing one of her creations to keep with me throughout my musical life.  No such luck….she began to paint the thing a pinkish shade and lost interest before she even covered it up with the first coat.

Uggghhhh….I guess I would need to try painting, because there was no way I was throwing out my beautiful maraca gourd.

So, blog readers…here is the result.  I know it’s not neat or professional, but I kind of love it.  I can’t wait until next Halloween season when I know which gourds to seek out.

The most famous song about painting has to be “Paint It Black” by the Rolling stones, so as a nod to painting (no matter how untalented I am), here’s a great tune.  Enjoy y’all, and may music inspire you to jump out of your comfort zone from time to time, too.