Painterly Mobile Art Monday–No.6

Posted on the 10 June 2013 by Art Of Mob @artofmob

We’re up to nearly 100 members in just a few weeks.  Thank you so much to everyone who has joined – you beautify our world!

Enzyme Peel by Michelle Robinson (above)

Red-Winged Black Bird by John Fredrik (above)

Fleur du mal by Dr Jazz (above)

Our passionate street art guide at RAW by Richard Gray (above)

Some kind of nowhere by Dezadie (above)

Untitled by Wayne Greer (above)

Track of my tears by Clint Cline (above)

Lips by Patty Larson (above)

Seagull by Anne Adams (above)

"There is certainly something in angling that tends to produce a serenity of the mind." ~Washington Irving by Cindy Patrick (above)

London Glow by bgbeve (above)

she sails safe seas by SLP (above)

At the Window by Linda Owens (above)

Greenhouse Effect No.2 by Catherine Restivo (above)

Some weeks are hard by Lanie Heller (above)

Inner contemplation by Lola Mitchell (above)

Languid Lucidity by Roger Guetta (above)

A particular vision by Sarah Jarrett (above)

Untitled by pbg161 (above)

The Colourful Neal’s Yard by Vivi (above)

Alley Ballerina by Geri Centonze (above)

rosa ‘Jude the Obscure’ by thistledownup (above)