Pamper Party, Movie Night, and Apple Cider

Posted on the 14 January 2013 by Cantuccfd @cantuCCFD

Is it a bad reflection on me when 4 out of my last 6 pictures on Instagram have alcohol in them?

Yeah I didn't think so either. I had a string of special occasions is all. Hyland in town one day, another night there was a pamper party, and another night there was a barbecue. See. (Not all my fault). And, as usual, on a couple of those adventures I forgot to bring my camera. Hate when that happens. It's always way easier for me to remember the details of my adventures when I have pictures to show for them. Soooooo you'll just have to imagine pics from B&J;'s, Hooters, Izzy's, Politics and Icehouse, and that was just the Wednesday night Hyland stayed in town. From Bruce's stories of transporting half an assault rifle in a block of wood to him tripping on acid every 7 months (the more alcohol in Bruce's system the more outrageous his lies get), we had an awesome time. The pamper party for my buddy Israel Scott Friday night was a lot of fun too. Another buddy of mine from work, Chapa from station 8, put it together at his house and did a really good job. Briscuit, rice, beans, a keg, and the guys. What more could you ask for? Israel and his wife are expecting their third child (first girl), and it was especially good to see him doing so well after getting burned at a fire. Looking at his gear (pictured below), you'd never expect to see him with just a couple bandages on his hands. And I thought my helmet was black after the Fort Worth / Stirman fire last year. Close but no cigar. Glad to see him doing well. He's a lucky bastard. All in all, it was another great night with good friends.


It's becoming a tradition to have a drinking game movie night over at Bruce's every month or so. Last night's feature: Team America: World Police. Bruce provides his steaks and we provide the "eat, drink and be merry". He actually does way more than just steaks. Garlic mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, sausage on a stick, chips, dips, queso. It's a full spread. Most of the crew from B&J;'s was there (minus my Marhonda, but im working on that). [Side note: I actually got her to stay two full hours drinking with me at the bar friday after she got off (pictured below). This is progress]. So movie night was another epic win, and today was the second day in a row of good playoff football. I know I say this a lot, but life is good. I love weekends at the station.

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