The Recipe:
1) The Ingredients: 100g Flour, Milk and 1 Egg (or 2!) 2) Crack the egg into the same bowl as the flour.3) Begin to mix both ingredients. 4) Next add some milk to the bowl of ingredients but in little splashes to get the right consistency.5) Mix all the ingredients together, adding milk until it has the same consistency as double cream.6) Pour the batter into the frying pan using a ladle.
7) Fry the batter on both sides to a golden brown color.8) Once I made the amount of pancakes desired, I then usually take this step to drown them in honey and add fruit on top and usually create a pattern or a smiley face because who wouldn't love to receive a smile with their food? ;)
When I was in Florida in the summer I acquired a Mickey Mouse cutter so I decided to put that to good use as I haven't used it yet (shown in first photo).

A cheeky photo of me attempting to flip a pancake!
Hope you all had a great Pancake Day and would love to see any creations you guys made too, just leave a link below :) Thanks!xxxxxxxxxxx