Par Beach, Cornwall...

Posted on the 16 July 2013 by Bollards Of London @bollardoflondon

Par beach bollards...

I had to pop back home to mind my wire hair fox terrier 'Rob' the rescue recently and the other day we popped over to Par beach Cornwall (dog friendly) and look what I found in the car park !
Yes these rather wonderful short wooden cylindrical bollards complete with cutaway band and a lovely 45 degree edge to the top of the previous flat top. Wooden bollards do not weather that well and if you take a look at the bollard (above) you'll notice it is already splitting down the side, sometimes metal or concrete do a better job for longer with little or no maintenance.

Close to the Pay and Display machine...

Bollards of London (and Cornwall)...
PS please note this blog incorporates 'Bollards of Britain'...