Party Time! It’s Time to Sing the World a Brand New Song!

Posted on the 30 December 2013 by Rarasaur @rarasaur

When I was little, I would march around the house with my siblings to “Teaching Peace” by Red Grammer.  It was our little party song.  We’d stomp our way through the kitchen in a line, singing at the top of our lungs.

At every pause in the song, we’d point at a random adult and they would participate in our party by shouting “Peace from ______!” (Blank being the location of their heart, not a swear word).  Sometimes they’d choose their birthplace, sometimes the city that they fell in love with, sometimes the town they fell in love in, and sometimes they’d choose the country they were in at the moment.

It was a little game– but it was the centerpiece of our hyper little parties.  It was always our aim to reach “all the world around”, and I think we probably came pretty close.

Now it’s your turn to play!

Just say where you’re from, or a location that means something to you. If you feel like it, you can tell me why you picked where you picked!

All this partying is brought to you by a #B4Peace challenge — the organization that has been teaching peace to the blogosphere all the year long.  It has been a fabulous experience to be part of such a worthy blogging endeavor!

If you need some inspiration, you can borrow it from Red Grammer himself…

Teaching peace all the world around
You and me every city every town
One by one in our work and in our play
We are teaching peace by what we do and what we say
It’s up to us to show we care
Reaching out to everybody everywhere
Heart to heart and friend to friend
Circling all around the world and back again

So take my hand and come along
It’s time to sing the world a brand new song
So sing it loud and sing it clear
All together now so everyone can hear!
Sound off! One, two, three, four…
It’s up to us to show we care
Reaching out to everybody everywhere
Heart to heart and friend to friend
Circling all around the world and back again

Peace, my friends! From Orange County, California!