Diaries Magazine
Passing The Preg-somnia Nights!
Posted on the 09 January 2015 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairyOne of the problems I suffer with most as I get further into my pregnancy is the dreaded Preg-Somnia.
No matter how tired I feel throughout the day (and BELIEVE me, I get very tired!) - when bed time rolls around I just can't seem to drift off to sleep.
Between the prickly heat, the leg cramps, the wriggling baby who seems to only want to kick at night,the snoring from my partner and the endless tossing and turning - sleep is altogether a thing of the past!
So instead of laying in bed clock-watching, I tend to just look for ways to pass the time from the comfort of my bed until morning rolls around.
One of my favorite pastimes lately has been playing bingo on my Ipad!
You might think Bingo is strictly for the old ladies, but I love it...I've been playing since I was little (in the days before anybody paid too much attention to gambling laws - and hey it was only those little bingo tables at seaside arcades anyway, the prizes were pan sets and giant teddy bears rather than cash!) and I've always loved it.
Just last week I had a real game with my mum, and there's nothing quite like that feeling when you're waiting on one number....heart beating faster, palms sweaty!...sadly I didn't win, but it's always fun to play regardless.
So being able to play online is a great bonus for me during these sleepless nights, and websites like www.twobigladies.co.uk who offer Bingo web site comparisons and let you know where to get the best deal for your money are fantastic!
Do you play Bingo?
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