It is a kind of kneecap pain which makes going down the stairs painful. This is a classic symptom of this condition. People who sit for long hours are also at risk for this syndrome. So, in general , one should avoid low activity or very high intensity exercise for long periods of time. Mix up your exercise or sports routine with lighter and enjoyable means of exercise, like swimming.
Once patellofemoral pain initiates, one has to utilize all the techniques to get rid of this pain.
Patellofemoral pain syndrome exercises to relieve pain and restore strength:
- Quadriceps Stretch : Stand straight. Bend one leg at the knee and try to touch the heel of the leg to the buttock or lower leg. Keep both the knees aligned. Use the same sided hand to lift the leg to that position.
- Hamstring stretch : Lie down and raise one leg straight up without bending the knee.
- Tennis ball exercises : Place a tennis ball in the place behind the knee. Now, move your leg forward and backward rolling on the ball. This is a simple toning motion that one can do if the pain is enough to limit walking.
- Band Stretch : Take an elastic band and wind it on both the legs, slightly above the knee. Now, lie down, bend the knees and stretch the legs outwards. The elastic band offers resistance.
Some people have flat feet and this can cause stress on the kneecap and the knee joint. Stress on the knee joint can be reduced by wearing motion control shoes.This is a nice treatment method.
Finally, rest is an important part of the equation. PFPS may not resolve if the body does not get enough rest and quality nutrition for repair work. Sometimes, the cause behind it may be just a muscle tear or a tendon tear which the body can heal by itself if it receives sufficient protein in diet. So, keep your diet up to the mark and give some time to the body to get on with the task. Do not take complete rest and do light jobs like swimming and walking.