Path of Peace

Posted on the 16 November 2014 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages

Through the heartfelt mercies of our God, 

God's Sunrise will break upon us,
showing us the way, one foot at a time, 
down the path of peace.
Luke 1:78 The Message

It Is Well by Terry MacAlmon
"Shalom is not just peace but flourishingflourishing in all dimensions of our existence -in our relations to God,in our relation to our fellow human beings,in our relation to ourselves,in our relation to creation in general."

Nicholas P. Wolterstorff

:   :   :Blessings to your week, 

Here's printables Luke 1:78 & Flourishing Peace
for you 
Sharing with: Still Saturday,Give Me Grace,
Scripture & Snapshot