I did not draw this, it is one of the many strange things you find when you Google “pee in the shower”…
Along with the biggest debates in life like Kirk v. Picard, Mac v. Windows, and Brown v. The Board of Education, one debate still gets people arguing to this day: whether or not to pee in the shower. I bet half of you reading this are considering leaving because you think that it is disgusting, and the other half of you are like “Yeah, I did that today, what’s the big deal,” and I am here to tell you that the second group of you are doing the right thing, at least according to the Dutch government.
It may sound crazy, but apparently the Dutch government, along with several other countries in the past, has started asking its citizens to pee in the shower to save water. I guess after you have built dams, drilled wells, and collected rain water and still have a water shortage, the next thing to do is to ask people to pee while they shower. If you hear an argument about peeing in the shower, you probably hear something along the lines of arguments about the sanitation concerns of peeing on your own feet, the amount of water it saves, how it moves down the drain fast enough to never touch you, the fact that it stains your floor… the arguments on both sides are equally convincing.
Obviously this is not a debate like abortion or slavery which have become politicized and argued about for many years (we can thank Mississippi for bringing the slavery thing up again) but just think, it has the potential to turn into riots or political battles. How long do you think it will take before politicians start arguing about peeing in the shower laws, and continue to neglect our financial situation? The day I turn on the news and hear “There are bipartisan talks going on at the White House today to determine the fate of the new proposed Shower Urination laws set to go into effect this spring. Still, no decision has been made.” is the day I leave the country.
Fortunately for now it is an argument that is won and lost by husbands and wives, drunk friends, and bloggers alike. It seems like everyone argues about this at least once in their lives, and thanks to the internet everyone can talk about what they believe. I think I will start a hash tag #peeingintheshower and see how far it goes. I could see it as a trending topic eventually right?
Well, thanks for reading. I hope you will comment, subscribe, follow, like, and come back next time, which I know is a lot, so maybe I will ask you to just do any of those. Oh and watch out for the new t shirts coming out this week!! Best $11.50 you will ever spend!