Diaries Magazine

People Matter

Posted on the 15 November 2013 by Ninabille @ThoughtsImages

People Matter

Photo taken and edited with iPhone. I added afterwards Kim Klassens beautiful texture 1111.

The fact, how much people matter, has become so clear to me this week.I've realized once more how much I appreciate the colleques I work with, and how grateful I am for having work. After two weeks sick leave it's been so nice meeting colleques again, alongside getting back to daily routines. The greetings, textmessages and calls I received on my birthday made me really happy - hoping one could give as much joy and happiness back, as one receives ...Just being aware of these people, that does mean a lot to you, even if they're far away or if you seen them  just every now and then, does make a difference ...
People Matter Having a strong bond between one another makes it easy to connect, feeling as it was just yesterday, you met last time, even it's been a few months ago.
I guess it's the shared experiences - the history, that binds us people together ... identifying with one anothers story, circumstances, even if it would be quite different from yours. And when you meet, it's like you've never been apart ... that´s beautiful!
People you've learned to know via writing, blogging, sharing the same interests, matter. Being inspired by one another ... following one another's life with ups and downs, becomes a part of your story. You matter.

I leave you with these thoughts ...
Until next time,

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