People Unchanged

Posted on the 21 March 2015 by Fizz @ThePoetsAlley
I was meeting him after a year,
He had been my best friend,
But things were different now.
I had stopped speaking,
On a matter quite trivial,
But the truth was something else.
For months I couldn't feel any connection,
Like we had grown in opposite directions,
But he didn't have a clue.
I was too scared to speak the truth,
So on a given day I just gave up,
And it had remained this way.
But then one day,
He knocked on my door,
Asking if he could come in.
I let him in,
Wanting to see if the months of separation,
Had put some sense.
But over cups of tea,
I could hear words of immaturity,
He tried to put the blame on me.
I could see, that he was still the same,
Proud, dominant, too foolish to realize,
It took two hands to clap and make noise.
I sat through it all,
Looking at this unchanged person,
And wanting to run away once again.
~ A Poem By Fizaah Faiyaz, © 2015