People Who Should Never Sign Up For Swaps

Posted on the 02 August 2013 by Wifessionals @wifessionals
In honor of the Cara Box Exchange sign up opening today for the month of August, I wanted to ask that only ladies who are serious about participating sign up. Like I said earlier, this was the worst month as far as women being unkind to each other by not holding up their part of the swap. I know the majority of you have had great experiences, and I am so happy about that, but I wanted to shed light on what occurs behind the scenes of a swap each month.

I wanted to post this because I was just so shocked at how ugly some people can be and it really isn't fair to the women who want to truly make friends from great opportunities like this. Below is one of the conversations I had with a woman this month. I first emailed her kindly just to check up on the situation (since her partner had not received a box). If you do not want to fully participate, please do not sign up for Cara Box ladies! I feel really awful for this woman's partner:

I heard from your partner that you had not sent a box yet. The expectation when you sign up is that you need to send your box by the 20th of the month. I realize that sometimes unforeseen things can come up, however I ask ladies to make sure they can follow the rules before signing up.I just wanted to check to make sure that you are still sending a box. If you choose not to send a box, or I do not hear from you by tomorrow, you will be unable to participate in future swaps. Please let me know.

I spoke to her an explained to her that I was going to be sending the box a little later because i was waiting to get paid but now I refuse to send anything if she had an issue with me sending the box a little later than usual after I explained to her why .
 I would just like to send the box to the girl that send me the box instead if that's possible. I had deeper connection with her and she also send me the box just the other day and I honestly haven't received it but I am not throwing a fit about it. I believe this is a program to get to know more bloggers and make friends and not just receive things for free from someone.I believe my communication with her was very direct and sincere when I told her when I was going to be sending the box next week. I don't understand the issue. 
She did not complain or throw a fit. She emailed me to tell me why she had not put up a post yet (she didn't want to be excluded in the future).
I e-mailed you on my own because the rules say that you need to mail it on the 20th. It is fine if this month you couldn't mail it out on time, but if you choose to participate in the future, you have to mail it by the date stated. Also, if you choose not to send to her (and send to your other partner instead) you will not be able to participate in the future. It's not fair that she sent a box to her partner but wouldn't get a box from you.
I refuse to send her anything.
Then you are no longer allowed to participate. It is so disappointing when women like you join the swap and then screw over another lady. You really shouldn't sign up for swaps in the future if you don't plan to hold up your end of the swap.
I'm sure yall get over it, have a great day.

...and that is literally how the emails conversation ended.

Check out one of the sweetest ladies I know: