Philly Style and Philly Profile is Being Turned into a Movie and the Ebook is Selling at a Discount!

Posted on the 21 February 2018 by Juliusthompson @JTAuthor

Philly Style and Philly Profile is being turned into a movie and the Ebook is selling at a discount! Philly Style and Philly Profile, Julius Thompson second novel, is being turned into a screenplay for a Hollywood producer!
The novel won Mr. Thompson a Georgia Author Of the Year Nomination. The ebook cost $2.99. Please put in this code and get a forty-percent discount: VK63M. Please visit: Please visit the website and recieve the discount. Get a jump on the possible movie by reading the novel!
Philly Synopsis: Philadelphia streets were never silent. Gangs wars on corners, screeching cars on avenues, and squealing steel trolley tires on tracks kept you alert for the next confrontation. Philadelphia playgrounds were sometimes silent. These were sanctuaries where you confronted your deepest memories. These were places packed with people, but on a summer's midday, they were virtually empty. Streets made habitable again by the actions of a few good men.

Julius Thompson
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