Phone Calls

Posted on the 27 July 2017 by Kimeetay @Kimee_Tay

WC and I are a text-messaging couple. We are hardly on the phone with each other and even if we are, on average it lasts less than 2 minutes. Haha. Usually our phone calls consists of immediate reminders.

The reason why (when we are apart) we communicate through text messages is (according to WC) so that our hands can be free and we can still be doing our own stuffs. Some may say that “then he or she is not giving you 100% attention”. Well we’ve gone past that phase. Haha. I used to think that way, but not anymore. There’s always a more positive explanation to that.

I like receiving phone calls, though no one really calls me and I don’t have much to say. Sometimes I get calls from Azzam and/or Naim which is always a pleasant surprise. My Mom and Dad usually wait for my calls, or they only call me when they want to inform me about something or need me to run errands. So yeah, I’m used to not having phone calls.

WC is a caveman in the 21st century that dislikes communicating thru a small screen. Haha. After a few years of good and bad communications, we have come to terms that for anything urgent we call, otherwise text messaging is preferred so that we can still be going on with our own daily routine. But of course the most ideal communication for both of us is being physically present, which is achievable a few days a week.

Anyways, a couple of days back, I was probably still recovering from jet lag and didn’t manage to fall asleep till after 4 am. Guess what, I was awoken by a phone call from WC! Haha. It was close to 1 pm (I usually wake up around 8 am, latest 10 am) when he called. He called cause he hasn’t heard from me for so long and he was worried, what a dear. His phone call made my day, probably made my week. Haha

Oh, and WC ends his calls super quick. Like that millisecond you start saying “b” in “bye”, his thumb is already at the end call icon, and the moment you reach “e”, the call has ended.
