Photo A Day! Summer! 6/19/12 5th Photo!

Posted on the 19 June 2012 by Courtyb34 @CourtyB34
Today was just a lazy day. It was lovely and nice. Relaxing and exciting! I got a new follower on my blog and stayed in my pajamas all day. I love doing that on days I don't have to do anything. Brittney and I cleaned the house together and we have been watching 'I Love Lucy' today. I found a cute new app, but there are glitches and freeze ups. I like the game, it's called "Tree World", but I don't like how it freezes up. It's weird. Later, I made a late lunch at 2:00 PM, and I made All Natural Alexia Frozen Foods: Oven Reds with Olive Oil, Parmesan & Roasted Garlic (Sooo yummy, especially with Ranch dressing) and Pork flavored Top Ramen... I know.... real healthy right? Don't worry, I had a big bowl of cantaloupe, honeydew and watermelon afterward. I also had some Green Mango Peach tea by Tea Forte. I got this tea for my mom in San Francisco... I have told this story so many times, so I don't want to repeat it, anyway, she put the tea in the tea basket for everybody, so I love drinking that tea! It's so yummy! It's even yummier when I drink it out of a cute mug! For the picture, I did my hair in a loose fish tail braid. I love fish tail braids! I have a hard time doing them, so I struggle... that's why it's a loose fish tail braid. But it is still cute! 
So, this is my Photo Of The Day for today!Photo A Day! Summer! 6/19/12 5th Photo!I was going to make pretzels today, but I didn't really have the energy to make a big mess in the kitchen. I will probably make monkey bread tomorrow or something. I want to bake something! I haven't had a recipe on my blog in a long while! I need to bake something! Haha! I definitely want to make pretzels and monkey bread soon!And cute cupcakes as well! Today was a great day! And I hope you liked my Photo for today!