Photographic Me

Posted on the 20 June 2012 by Technospecs

Photographic Me

If only I had photographers following my every move, so that I could boasts to the world that I am indeed a great man.

If only there was a paparazzi tailing me. He could have taken pictures of all the intimate, candid and “juicy” shots that could catapult me into fame.

The photographs could have captured how innovative and resourceful I was. It could have immortalized my acts of heroism and nationalism. It could have forever lessen my efforts in proclaiming how remarkable I was, for the pictures would be enough to speak a thousand words, and say something poignant
enough to galvanize an entire society.

The surest way to put people off is to talk about our achievements, our possessions, name-drop people we know, talk about how great we are. We actually don’t need to talk about ourselves! Let them see it for themselves. Our habitual acts of excellence would already translate into our real admirable identity.

We can spend our lives telling the world who we are,…… or we could just let the world tell us who they think we really are.

Sane or insane. Saints or sex addicts. Heroes or victims. Letting history tell us how good or bad we are. Letting our past decide our future. Letting the public judge our character.

Or we can decide for ourselves to boast our accomplishments – because maybe it’s our job to sell ourselves or let them know we could do better. Because not everything we have ever hoped for that others should see in us materializes to our expectations.

Most of the time,  of all the ten things that you have done, only the one bad thing will be remembered and the nine other good things would be forgotten, discredited, or doubted.

Many individuals gave up numerous lucrative offers  to pursue what they love to do and what they do best. Their life is a testament that one should pursue a passion in order to leave a lasting legacy in this temporary stop called Earth. By any measure, they have done way so much more for countless of us whose lives they have touched and whose mindsets they have influenced in one way or another.

But when some envious bitch or moron starts disbelieving and corrupting the sincerity and pureness of their crusade, it becomes tainted with suspicion. When they start spreading false rumors and lies against their advocacy, and influence others to question the sanctity of their vocation, it becomes a contagious disease that wreaks havoc to their proximity of  influence.

Tough luck I could only bring with me my own camera, and just ask others to  take my picture every time there’s a momentous event.

If only I have photographers with me to take shots of every step that I take, then I wouldn’t have to take considerable efforts in showing the world that I am truly a great man.

If you know a really great man who works for the government, vote for them now!