Photos & A Teaser

Posted on the 31 October 2017 by Michael C. Sahd @MichaelCSahd

Here are some new photos of me, contributed from a friend of ours.
Also it is Tuesday, and I hereby dub Tuesday - Teaser Tuesday:
Damian pulled his heavy denim jacket closer to his lithe body, let out a puff of cold mist, and shivered, but not just from cold. Being stuck in North America for two years had been the most unpleasant time of his life. He had spent two years living off mice and sometimes had to fight for them from wolves, half that time he spent starving. Briefly, toward the end of the stint, some crazy cult of religious people that avoided technology like it were something evil had taken him in, until he left to find a more civilized settlement. The settlement he found had been deserted and that is when he fell asleep in a shack and woke up unable to open the door and the windows packed with snow against them. This memory, still haunting him years later, made him shiver.