I am doing a photoshoot today, hopefully. The weather is pretty bad here, and I hope it’s not pouring rain tonight. The photoshoot’s purpose is just to get some good shots of myself that I can use for blog buttons and my social media icons. KC Photography is doing the shoot (I will do a whole feature on her after I get the photos). I have a dilemma though. I feel like I never can pick out cute outfits! I browse pinterest always before I go shopping, and then when I get there. It’s like I have no idea how to put an outfit together. I have gone to TJ Maxx and Ross like a million times this week and past weekend to try and find a new outfit with no such luck. So last night after I got home from a devastating loss at bunco (4 way roll off!) I destroyed my closet looking for an outfit. I obviously love stripes as you will see with my photos below. But Jared and I decided on a final two outfits. This conclusion was NOT easy! Shia was extremely bored with the process. I made a little collage of two outfits. Which one is your favorite? Which outfit should I wear?Outfit 1 (white pants)Outfit 2 (Coral pants)