Physiogel Beauty Experts Circle Event

Posted on the 08 September 2013 by Genzelkisses

More than a week ago, I was one of the lucky bloggers who were invited to attend Physiogel Philippines, Beauty Experts Circle event.  It was held at the Oz Bar, Roof Deck, Holiday Inn & Suites Makati (near New Glorietta Entrance).  I knew about Physiogel through my mom.  She has very sensitive skin and this brand was prescribed to her by her dermatologist together with Oilatum soap which I believe is also a product of Physiogel / Stiefel.

The venue is not your ordinary restaurant.  Oz Bar has a very sophisticated ambiance, perfect for a private forum or event like this.  The moment I arrived, I looked for bloggers I know and so happy I spotted Ms. Donna of My Lucid Intervals and Carizza or Carizza Chua seated in front.  A few minutes after, Ayzee of  Chilipina arrived too!  She became my seatmate ^_^  and it’s our first time to meet each other.  It’s one of the things I’m looking forward too when attending events, meeting my co-bloggers that I get talk and mingle virtually.  Oh!  Dawn of Peachy Pink Sisters, Ms. Ro of Animetric and Mrs. Martinez or MrsMartinez were also there.

Physiogel - Beauty Experts Circle

Physiogel - Beauty Experts Circle Physiogel - Beauty Experts Circle Physiogel - Beauty Experts Circle

While waiting for the program to start, they conducted this Moisture Meter test, and see above the result of my skin!  I was so surprised that my skin moisture is low provided that I use two lotions a day!  Through this event, I knew the reason why.

The event started with the introduction of the ever beautiful host, Ms. Patty Laurel of  She’s so pretty!!!  I also love her skin.  It looks so healthy and moisturized.  It’s my first time to see her and I really admire her beauty and charisma.  She’s the perfect host for this kind of event.  So sad I forgot to take a photo with her -_______-

The talk began with GSK Dermatologists

I’ve learned a lot from this event.  I can say, truly, our beauty is skin deep.  If you’ve been following my blog for a long time now, you know how much I care for my skin.  As the derma said, “When you have really good skin, less is more.”  You don’t need to conceal a lot and wear heavy makeup.

Here are some of the things I want to share with you.


Caused by a damage skin barrier; Water tends to escape and cause dry skin.

Experts know that dry, sensitive skin requires special care and attention. Moisture is more prone to escape and evaporate, leading to dry, dehydrated skin. Most often than not, experts recommend Physiogel moisturizers from Stiefel, a GSK company. Physiogel is formulated with the revolutionary Derma Membrane Structure (DMS) Technology, which resembles the natural building blocks of the skin to effectively help repair the skin barrier and help prevent moisture loss.

PHYSIOGEL is an EXTRAORDINARY way to moisturize

Because unlike conventional moisturizers, Physiogel DOESN’T get washed off when rinse! AMAZING!!!

After the talk was a beauty / makeup demo by Ms. RB Chanco.  She’s the Makeup artists of a lot of actors and actresses such as Kris Aquino, Bianca Gonzales, and Erich Gonzales to name a few.  I’ve learn a lot from her, as in!

Of course, I jot down notes ^_^

✔  For sensitive skin, less is more

✔  Prep, Tone, Moisturize.  Make sure that your face is a clean canvass before makeup application.

✔  Foundation – using a brush, blend in circular motion for minimal heat.  For nice skin, apply less.

✔  Prep also the neck area.  Use Physiogel Lotion for it and apply foundation as well.

✔  For longer lasting makeup, after foundation, set it with Airbrush makeup then HD Loose powder.

✔  Set eye area with green powder.  RB Chanco prefers using powder, because during studio shoots for actors and actresses, using cream tend to look lighter on the camera.  It doesn’t look natural.

✔  Set again with Studiofix Powder foundation and water.  I think she used, MAC on this part.

✔ Contour – use dark powder

✔  Blush – Use blue undertone for mestiza, peach for medium, orange for dark skin.

✔  Do the eyebrows and eyeshadow.  I guess you already know how to do this.

✔  Curl your lashes in three parts.  Growth, middle, and ends.

✔  For the lips, use nude lip liner (it can go with any color of lipstick plus it’ll make the lipstick stay intact for longer hours).  Use bright color at the middle part to make it look pouty.

Meet Veron, the lucky model for the day.  Look at how perfect her makeup is by Ms. RB Chanco!

I really like it! <333 I hope I can do the exact same thing on my face.  It looks so flawless as well.

Products to combat dry skin!  Let’s fight dry skin!

I’m currently using these products and I can’t wait to share with you my thoughts about them.  For the lotion, I apply it before my favorite lotion.  The cleanser is a winner!!!  As for the cream, it can be applied to face and body, even your lips!  I’m also using their Intensive cream which I got from BDJBox and BDJ Beauty Social event.

I hope you learned something from this post as I really paid attention to the details of the event to be able to impart with the knowledge with you.  One of the reasons why I love attending events, it’s like an opportunity for me to share good news and a lot of things with you guys! <3

Simple FOTD for the event ^_^

Click Here to go to my Facebook page and see more photos for this event.

Have you tried any Physiogel Product?  Let’s fight dry skin together!