Pinch me…I’m Home.

Posted on the 07 March 2017 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

I thought I should do an update so you knew I wasn’t sleeping in my car…I am still temporarily homeless, well until the 15th anyway. But I am staying with my parents. So homeless I am not. Which is a good thing since we have been having January weather in freaking March. What the hell Universe? Really? It is like we moved up near the Northwest Territories Border or something. Enough already.

I have found an adorable little place to live…I am renting as I am not quite over that fact that I think owning my own place is a little overrated at this point in my life.

I will post pics once I get settled.

The really crazy thing about where I am going, is that it is directly across the highway from where I grew up. I am back in the hood. Literally. Full circle has been completed. Well it will be once I am settled. I still have to pinch myself that this is all real, that I am really back here and it isn’t just a four day visit and I have to go back.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved living in Campbell River, I wouldn’t trade that time for anything, but it is really good to be home.

I am trying to enjoy my days with no job and no responsibility. It is pretty weird after working 7 days a week for the last year with the store to not have a schedule or anything to do during the day except tying up loose ends and getting ready to start a new and fabulous life.

Today, I made my Dad a pie. I can’t say I have had time to make anyone a pie for a very long time. And if anyone deserves a pie it’s my Dad.

We also have daily supervision of integrating the cats in with each other, my cat has never been around other cats before and my Mom’s male cat is really protective of the little girl cat they have…it’s been trying. Finally the girls get along and we are just keeping the bully at a distance. Sometimes boys are hard to handle. Ha!

So as you can see, my life is pretty uneventful for the moment…I am on pause, taking it day by day and enjoying a little bit of downtime between adventures. I promise to keep you updated as things move forward. I have a trip booked to go to Whitehorse at the end of April…there is bound to be some fun times in that two weeks :)

Happy March everyone…Here is to spring adventures!