Pineapples, and Last Beach Day

Posted on the 14 June 2013 by Pinkwhen @pinkwhen

Happy Friday everyone! I know I have been a little absent this week, but I have tried my best to stay away from work, and concentrate more on relaxing and play with the family.

It's been a fun, quick trip to the beach. Lots of seafood, lots of fruit, and almost NO relaxation (too many kids to relax!)

One cool thing I purchased before we left was this cool pineapple slicer I found!

(By the way, I'm not paid, affiliated, or have anything to do with this company, I'm just crazy for this slicer!).

It's this cool and easy handheld twister tool that slices a pineapple perfectly in about 30 seconds!

It works so fast, and cores the pineapple so perfectly, you can make little pineapple men for all of the kids to admire. You can also add a cup to the new cored center, add your favorite drink, and have a fun beachy drink.

I had to share this slicer by Vacu Vin. It's one if the coolest little gadgets I have seen in a while, and if you are a fresh fruit fan, and pineapple fan, you will love this. (By the way, you can use this on all of your big melon fruits as well.)

I hope you all had a great week, and I will be back to share more fun and crafty things next week! Until then, we are heading out to enjoy our last day at the beach. ~ Jen