1.) Does this not remind you of the library from Beauty and the Beast? I dream of having a library like that. I could easily live in here and never leave. Just give me a bathroom, a fridge and my makeup. There are some design changes I would make. I am not a fan of the furniture, lamps and green curtains. Although it does look rather cozy.

2.) This is from Dior Mag. I would have never thought to use all of these colors together. They form a really unique and futuristic look.

3.) I have never wanted to get married, or at least never wanted to have a big wedding. But if I ever do meet the right man, this would be the dress I would want. I don't care about any other aspect of the ceremony, lol.

4.) This sea glass ring is stunning. I adore the color of it.

5.) Even though I almost never get to go to the beach, I love it. There is nothing more serene and lovely than a secluded beach. This simple necklace embraces that.

6.) This is what I look like when I drive. I used to never get annoyed, but that changed when I started driving. It really taught me how stupid and careless humans can be. And not using a blinker annoys me. A lot. Not only is it the law to use one, it is just common courtesy.

7.) I love this proverb and agree with it 110%.