Self Expression Magazine

Plan B is the New Plan A

Posted on the 14 February 2013 by Jhouser123 @jhouser123

Years ago the best way to keep from getting pregnant was to just plain not have sex. Then when we realized that was not going to work, schools preached condoms, and birth control became a normal thing for teenaged girls. But these days the trend is shifting yet again, but this time in a slightly more ridiculous direction. Since their creation 15 years ago, the use of emergency contraception like Plan B has skyrocketed, and it appears it may have the power to edge out other methods.

A government study released this week shows that emergency contraceptives are astoundingly common, especially among younger women. Apparently this survey showed that of all the women who have had sex, 11% say they have used the “morning after pill” at least once. That percentage is even higher in younger age groups, despite the need for a prescription for women under 17.

Researchers attribute this spike in use to the increased availability, the highly recognizable and very publicized nature of the drug, and the increase in the amount of sexual activity in youth, but seriously, I don’t think people understand what it is really for.  Directly on the box, and in every add I have seen for it, the manufacturer clearly states that it is only for emergencies and that it is not intended to replace regular birth control.  Even just looking at the name should tell you it isn’t something you should use regularly.  Plan B

Some have turned this story around, saying that although the use of emergency contraceptives is increasing, it just means that people are becoming more aware of the dangers of unprotected sex, and are realizing the consequences of having a child when you are a teenager thanks to shows like Teen Mom.  This is all great and wonderful, but let’s be honest, if they really understood the fact that unprotected sex is all that dangerous, then maybe they should be buying condoms instead.  Call me crazy, but that seems like the logical thing to me.  Why would you pay anywhere from $10 to $70 for one time when you could spend the same amount for anywhere from 12 to 200 condoms!

As a broke college student, I see that every dollar counts, and if these kids can’t appreciate money, then maybe you should take away their iPhones for a week every time you have to buy them Plan B, instead of giving them the “I am very disappointed in you” speech.  I know it sounds like a horrible thing to be tough on your kids, but I want to meet the parents that willingly buy their child this product more than once and just let it slide, because whoever they are, clearly they fall victim to the phrase “But all the other kids are doing it! Don’t you want me to fit in with my friends??”

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