Play Date Cards – Download the Template

Posted on the 06 November 2012 by Suzanne Robinson @mummy2twinsblog

Play date card

Have you been in the situation where you would like to organize a play date and don’t have your details handy to give to the other parent? Well this has happened to me many times. The girls due to pre-school desperately want to visit other kids houses for a play date and I need to try and set it up with the other child’s parent/parents. So I have created a play date card to put into the folders for each child at the school or hand them to the parent.

I have adopted a template for business cards in Microsoft Word so might not be ideal to change things, although it is a bit clumsy for my first attempt, you can change the text, picture, colours and move things around. The only down side currently is that when you change one the others don’t change. I am going to do some more and will figure out how to have that function available next time.

So I hope you enjoy these that you can make your own, with your pictures and info:

  • Colour Picture version of Play date Cards
  • Black and White Picture of Play date Cards

I found the black and white ones came out the best. I printed on a thicker card but not too thick to not go through the printer. I purchased 4 sheets from the news agency at 50 cents each, so that is quite cheap to do rather than spend a fortune with designed ones. Give it a go, change it to make it more you, and I am sure your kids will be happy with more play dates with their friends.

This is going to come in handy this afternoon as I can distrubute my work and book in some playdates for the twins. Have you made your own playdate cards? Were they a hit? I will give it another go and put some more up soon. Send in your comments.