…Play With Fire and Ice

Posted on the 16 July 2017 by Zer @the2women

Scrambled Television Screen ca. 2000

" data-orig-size="353,480" sizes="(max-width: 314px) 100vw, 314px" data-image-title="Scrambled Television Screen" data-orig-file="https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg?w=314&h;=427" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"\u00a9 Trinette Reed\/CORBIS","camera":"","caption":"Scrambled Television Screen ca. 2000","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"\u00a9 Corbis. All Rights Reserved.","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"Scrambled Television Screen"}" width="314" data-medium-file="https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg?w=314&h;=427?w=221" data-permalink="https://the2womancrusade.com/2011/08/31/turn-it-off/scrambled-television-screen/" alt="" height="427" srcset="https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg?w=314&h;=427 314w, https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg?w=110&h;=150 110w, https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg?w=221&h;=300 221w, https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg 353w" class="alignright wp-image-6345" data-large-file="https://the2womancrusade.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/tv-set-for-tv-spots.jpg?w=314&h;=427?w=353" />Television nerds, today is a good day. Why? Well, if you have to ask, you may need to hand in your television nerd card.

First up, there’s the Men’s Wimbledon Final. Which we’ll all be watching, eagerly awaiting the match’s outcome, and some of us may be watching with slightly more enthusiasm for what comes next.

What’s that? Well, we really are going to need that television nerd card back if you don’t know. Because following the final, after months of speculation, we’ll finally get to see who will be the 13th Doctor. If I’ve lost you, please see yesterday’s post.

And seriously, hand it over.

Finally, this evening “Game of Thrones” returns. For those not keeping track at home, this is season 7. The HBO series is still chugging along despite the fact that they made it past the final page of George R. R. Martin’s completed novels a full season ago, but that hasn’t slowed it down at all. For those who need a brief refresher, here’s a seriously brief run through…and SPOILER ALERT!

When last we left the Seven Kingdoms, Cersei had claimed the Iron Throne. Some of the Starks had finally reconnected, although it turns out they’re not related in the way they thought they were…Jon Snow is actually their cousin, and a Targaryen. Oh and that leads us to the biggest development, Daenerys and her dragons are finally joining the fight for the Seven Kingdoms.

On that note, I’ll leave you to your Sunday. Enjoy the tennis, try not to be too disappointed if things don’t go your way after, and remember after all of it…there be dragons.

…just for fun:
