Please Enlighten Me.

Posted on the 25 November 2014 by Kimeetay @Kimee_Tay

Hello! Hope everyone’s doing fine cause I’ve been in quite a hectic situation. Mainly because of SCOReD 2014. Haha. Anyway, just a random post to update my blog just in case you’re bored and want some Kim news. LOL. Plus I want a break from all the crap that’s going on. So in this post I’m gonna talk about 2 things that I have encountered that made me *refer to picture below*
Please Enlighten Me.

Why You Create WhatsApp Group In The First Place?

So last Thursday (20 November 2014), there was this Sector Focused Career Fair (SFCF) organised by Talentcorp in my campus. As one of the organizing committee for Career Fair 2015, I was one of the volunteer for that event. The event was from 10AM – 5PM. Around 2-3 hours into the event, I was added into this WhatsApp group called ‘Career Fair 2015′. I’m quite sick of WhatsApp groups lah. To date, I am in 15 WhatsApp groups (only like 5 are important ones)?! I especially hate those Whatsapp group where there are more than 8 people. Because important messages get covered up by nonsense and crap by others.

So when I found out that there’s this new WhatsApp group that I’m in, I asked in the group ‘Is this necessary?’. Only to get a reply from the director of Career Fair 2015 (he created the group) which says ‘I like’. Wtf right. I questioned the necessity of this Career Fair 2015 group because we already have a Facebook group and if there’s any important message, it will be posted there and I find it quite effective and efficient to notify a team of 59. So in order to counter his reply, I replied ‘If there’s no purpose then a WhatsApp group is not necessary I think’. And he replied ‘There must be a reason for every action’.

And guess what? He left the group that night. Please enlighten me.

Why You Go Ask In The First Place?

One of my schoolmate, let’s call her Steady posted in our Year 2 Facebook group asking who is not willing to perform during our material night. I wanted to comment ‘me’ lah actually but then decided not to first. Cause I’m not really close with my schoolmates later they all go look at me one kind. Tak tau. Speaking from feeling. Dave commented ‘me’ first. Then Steady commented back which goes something like ‘steady lah no people how can, third year pushing already’. Dave apologized and a asked when and what to do. Then Steady replied ‘not sure but just need commitment from you guys la no kidding’.

Err so what for you go ask who’s not willing if you want everyone to participate? Whoever who say that they’re not willing sure get lectured from other schoolmates. You could have like a plan of what you need to do then find people mah. That’s what I think lah. Or is it just me not able to understand the human world?

Please Enlighten Me.