Posted on the 22 February 2013 by Wifessionals
You are probably wondering what this post is about.
I wanted to take a few minutes to chat about something that has really started to bother me and freak me out lately.
People gettin' down and dirty...everywhere.
By everywhere, I'm talking specifically in media.
I find myself watching tv or movies and I cannot believe the amount of things they are able to show or say nowadays. This stretches beyond just showing some skin or being vulgar - drug use is everywhere as well.
I just saw a show on tv where young boys were doing lines of cocaine and laughing about it. This was on regular tv, not HBO or another subscription channel.
My parents have been saying for years, "Things have gotten so bad in media these days...It's only going to be worse when you have your own children."
I just brushed them off and called them old fogies.
But now that I am married and will probably be starting a family in the next few years, these issues have really become amplified in the last few months.
I know that everyone is different. I have girl friends who are totally ok with going to strip clubs or having their boyfriend/husband go on their own. That's not me (and thankfully, not Ryan either). I also know that a lot of people are probably going to disagree with what I am about to say...but for every woman that disagrees, I bet there is a woman who feels the same as I do (even if she would never admit it out loud).
I HATE Victoria's Secret commercials. I only buy undergarments from VS, but I dislike their PR & marketing. They are supposed to be getting women to buy their lingerie, not make their husbands have delusional views of what their wife will look like when she gets into that said lingerie. I just feel like the commercials are not geared towards their target market. I am not fat...but I do not look like that. When Ryan and I were dating, a VS commercial came on and it was an excessively sexual one. It made me feel uncomfortable. Ryan must have seen me look down or something and he asked me what was wrong. I was just honest and said it made me uncomfortable when those kind of things came on. I didn't want him to look at other women like that. Instead of laughing at me he told me that he liked that I cared about that stuff and that I only wanted him to have eyes for me...and he probably stole 97% of my heart in that moment.
Now, almost a year later, he is still really good about fast forwarding through or looking at me when 'sexy-licious' things come on the screen. I love that he does that for me out of respect.
You may think that's insane and that's ok - I'm not some crazy controlling wife. He does that on his own and it is one of those "loving things" I so appreciate about him.
What's happened in the last few months is that EVERY show we watch on tv is filled with sex it seems. We have become so desensitized to it and it's crazy. Profanity and partial nudity used to be R-rated when we were younger, and now they are on regular primetime tv. I remember seeing my first PG-13 movie - Titanic. You know what was so scandalous at that time? A set of boobs and a hand hitting a steamed up car window.
PG-13 nowadays can have raunchy sex scenes, disgusting banter and profanity as far as the "f-word". Mind you, you can only use it once...but still.
About a week ago, 3 episodes of different tv shows back to back all had crazy nudity and/or sex. By the third show Ryan was like "What the heck is going on nowadays?!"
Could we have better tv choices? Yes. But there are few shows that don't go to this level anymore. Even my beloved Pretty Little Liars shows scenes or says words I wouldn't want my future child watching...and that's on ABC Family.
Is anyone else with me?
I look at all you mommas out there who already have precious little ones. Are you terrified by how bad things have become?
I feel like once I have kids I will have to completely restrict watching "our shows" until they are asleep or nowhere within earshot...which begs the question that if we have to do that, what kind of garbage are we subjecting our own minds to?
But I just struggle to see how I will give up my Revenge, SOA, Grey's and 500 other shows I DVR every week....
Oh brother...
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