
Posted on the 04 January 2013 by Thefatalfemme @The_Fatal_Femme
Well hello!
Okay, so I'm 4 days into my Fanuary mission.
I've got the itchies.
No, not because I haven't washed.
But "grow-back" (as we ladies call it) itches like hell!
And it's one of those itches that is only relieved by scratching.
But I obviously can't do this without looking like I have crustaceans on the move...
Anyway, evidently I'm a slow grower...
My lady garden hasn't grown as much as I'd hoped in 4 days - does anyone know of any tips to help it grow?
A good fertiliser for example? To give it a boost.
OH!!! I don't think I've told you...
I now have a Fanuary page where you can visit and donate! YIPPEEEEE!
I decided to raise money for quite an unknown charity called Look Good... Feel Better.
They offer free workshops for women suffering with the visual side effects of cancer and give away lovely skincare and beauty goodies to help boost their confidence and generally make them feel a bit better.
Anyhoo - you can donate to the cause by visiting my Fanuary page (can you tell that I like saying "Fanuary page"?)
Any contributions are greatly appreciated.
As it's Friday, I'll leave you with a nice image to hold onto for the weekend...
Plug-gate... the only comparison my brain can muster when looking at my progress is...
Wayne Rooney... just after the plugs... you're welcome.

Watch this space...