I always love so many of your comments. Gah, they crack me up. They’re the little cupcakes of my day… little morsels of joy that pop up on my phone. So cool.
So I’m not showing you my breakfast because it’s exactly like Monday’s and there’s nothing new and cool about fried eggs.
Healthy Living Bloggers
I read a few blogs today and strangely this whole concept of being a Healthy Living Blogger is circling blogland. First, I don’t want anyone to think I’m categorizing myself as a healthy living blogger. I’m more of a My Life Blogger. I like to do what works for me and as all of my usual readers know… what works for me normally isn’t the normal.
- I don’t run all the time
- I don’t eat oatmeal!
- I hate bananas
- if I don’t tell myself to have 2 servings of fruit a day I wont eat any fruit
- I love bacon!!!!
- Beer, I <3 U!!!
- I eat dark chocolate (every. single. day.), even though I’m supposed to be dairy free.
I do follow a few pretty strict diet (def: how I chose to eat daily not a restrictive way to lose weight) but it’s because of my Tummy Troubles and C-Diff Condition. I eat dairy free, bad carb free, and try my hardest to be sugar free. But these are for my own health and I would never do it if I didn’t HAVE to.
I literally risk my life if I don’t take care of my condition. People die from complications of C-Diff.
Basically, I do think healthy living is a term thrown around too loosely. I’ve quit reading a lot of blogs because I know they aren’t healthy for me and aren’t great inspirations for my life.
Please do not look at my diet and think it’s perfect for you! It’s what’s perfect for me! Feel free to copy my chocolate a day healthy guideline though… and my recipes are always fair game.
My Dad took me and my bro to Wendy’s for a quick work break. I kept my salad (reasonably) clean and followed my healthy guidelines by having the:
BLT Cobb Salad with no blue cheese and Italian dressing
(FYI these substitutions are because of my tummy condition and not in response to calories, fat, or anything like that)
I bought this organic dried mango snack for later! Gotta get my fruit!
And before lunch I was munching Dove Dark Chocolate squares like they were oxygen. So hungry!!!
I cut back and didn’t eat the entire bar, only about a third.
I don’t have a problem eating a whole bar of dark chocolate when my body is all detoxed and running on my clean eating diet. But since I’m still detoxing a little (day 3) I need to be a little more strict this way my body will get all the benefits of eating clean.
Agenda tonight:
- work ‘til 3
- laundry 3-5:30
- 5:30-6:30 running and M-Wod with Max
- Cookin’ dinner
- Watching So You Think You Can Dance!
Healthy Guideline checks:
- I have had no healthy fats
- 1 of 3 servings of tea
- 1 of 2 servings of probiotics
- I’ve swapped bad carbs for good ones
- I’ve had lots of veggies
- I’ve had my Dark Chocolate today
- I have had no exercise yet
- I haven’t had all my water.
Tell me about you!!! I want to know…
What are your thoughts on Healthy Living Blogs?
I love them and read them all the time. They’re huge motivators for my own healthy life. But I do think some people categorize themselves incorrectly and I think everyone’s posts need to be taken with a grain of salt. I know I eat a bunch of things that don’t make the blog…. possibly a massive bowl of popcorn last night that was bigger than Jupiter.
What did you have for lunch today?
What is your favorite kind of chocolate?
I really love Dove Bliss squares. Holy heaven.
Would you ever go spelunking?
this question is because:
- it’s a great word and it makes me laugh
- batman does it, obviously!!!
- it’s just a great word.. spel…unk…ing! HAHAHAHA.
I’d never do it!