I hand wrote (and who writes by hand these days?!? It's a rare occurrence for me, at any rate) a blog post on Sunday. Fast forward to today, and of course I can't find it. I've been all the way through my big green exercise book, and there's no sign of it.
Ah well. I shall endeavour to use a large variety of short and unrelated complaints to fill out a post.
So, poppadoms - they're very tasty, but who was the first person who thought "Hey, this spicy curry is all well and good, but what it really needs is a big crisp!". It's like having a spaghetti bolognese with an unwrapped chocolate bar on the side of your plate.
I searched my Google Photos archive for "poppadom" and this photo of a half cooked pancake was the only thing that came up. Now, I could search the internet for some public domain poppadom images, or just use this one...
Furthermore, I was aghast at the petrol station the other day, because I found that the pump in question can be set to dispense a certain amount of fuel - you can just press a few buttons, and the pump will deliver the requested quantity.
For me, it's one of the most important parts of car ownership is learning how to fill up to the pound, say to £35.00 exactly (long gone are the days when I could get away with a tenner a week for fuel). Having a button to press to guarantee that you'll hit exactly £35 seems like a bit of a cheat, there's no skill in that. It's like at supermarkets where now they have a person with a big sign who points out the shortest queues - when I was growing up it was a question of strategy and skill to get to a short queue before anyone else spots it, elbowing old ladies out of the way, or lurking near a till that a shop assistant was possibly heading towards. Now any old fool can go to the shortest queue.
At least I have this to comfort me:
This would be chocolate lemonade jelly, and it's just as wrong as it sounds! :)