Self Expression Magazine

Popsicle Stop

Posted on the 20 July 2012 by Liz @RiderChronicles
I have about 4 bus stops that I'm familiar with and use regularly.  Most of them aren't worth writing about.  But the Popsicle stop, well that has to be my favorite for many reasons.  First being there is a big, red popsicle at this bus stop.  Something joyful while waiting for the bus...I like that.  It also means I'm returning from something fun, like a trip to the Market or (my favorite) it means I'm heading home after a delightful happy hour(s).  It helps me know 100% that I'm in the right spot (especially needed when I've had a few)...because yes, I've waited at the wrong stop a time or two.  It seems to me it is the line between "hot spot" Belltown and dirty, grity Belltown.  

Popsicle Stop

What greets me at the end of a good happy hour!

Popsicle StopRecently I found a whole gallery on SeattlePI of interesting bus stops.  This one did not make their list, but I sure love this homage to a summer fruit in Japan. Popsicle StopAnd this one is nicer than my own living room.  That guy doesn't even know what to do!  I would go find me a lemonade and do some serious relaxing while I waited for my coach.  This is somewhere in the US, I think. Boy, on hot days I sure do wish Seattle had stops like this air conditioned wave of the future stop found in Dubai.  I would NOT be a bus rider in a hot climate w/out this (again, thank goodness I live in Seattle!)Popsicle Stop
Popsicle StopAnd on the flip side you can cook like your favorite fast food breakfast sandwhich in Minneapolis. 
So many fun ways to make a mundane bus stop something to look forward to.  If you want to check out the PI's whole gallery check it out here.  You'll see there are many King County stops, but we've all seen those, so I wanted to treat you to something fun.  Because everyone's life needs more fun...that's a fact!

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