I have practically been typing one blog post with my left hand and one with my right. When people offer to help spread the word of your book, you find your imagination strangely stimulated for the blog posts that they want to go with it.
I know...I know...you practically have the news of my book leaking through your ears but what can I say? It still is not sufficient to sell enough books to satisfy me (What exactly would count as enough? Hmm...I don't know if I really know such high numbers).
Anyway, this is not about the book but about the blog posts. AND, somewhere or other in these links, I promise you, you will find blog-posts, which are neither about the book per se nor are reviews of the book. Though, yes, you will find details of my book too but then you have, by now, gained expertise in ignoring it.
Privy Trifles sought me to write on the Great Indian Sense of Humor or the lack thereof. (Yeah! I know...you think I cannot recognize a sense of humor even if someone brought it to me, conveniently labeled it in all the languages of India. You can read this and gloat about how right you were)
And where is the author who does not rant about publishers? Here, though, I rant even before I publish, so to speak. For the rant is not about Small publishers - one of whom, Fablery, has published my book - but the Big ones. And to think that Jonali actually invited me in!!
AND, then, for those who not only think I know a sense of humor when I see it but can also guide people on how to write humor, this one. What?? You mean such mythical beings do not exist? Who are you calling a mythical being? Ruchi Singh, who asked me to write this one?
AND, after you are all done with that, take a long rest! You will need it to recoup.