Practice the GLAD Technique

Posted on the 25 July 2016 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

Life is busy, life is hectic. You're pretty sure you'll never ever see the day when you can say "My to-do list is all checked off and I am going to relax"

Don't look at me! I hear people rocking that worry chair all the time, getting nowhere. And sometimes, losing precious time fretting, time that could easily be used productively.

Everyone is so caught up with finishing things, accomplishing things, that they have no time to stand and stare. Too little time for family, barely any for friends, and none for self. To add to the misery, social media does not help. It sucks you in into its stream, often messing so hard with your mind that you go into a brain freeze.

It is all about the things. People, not so much.

Love people, not things. Use things, not people

So I am asking you - when was the last time you stopped to listen to your thoughts?

Now is a good time as any. I know I need the respite. I know I need to find my joy and balance for my own sanity.

I have a long list of mindfulness techniques in my arsenal to keep me balanced. One of these is the GLAD technique. Nice acronym eh?

What is GLAD?

GLAD stands for four ways to find that mental state where life feels good.

It requires you to focus on the positive in your life and around you, specifically the things you take for granted.

I assure you it is easy.

Understanding GLAD

G is for Gratitude

  • What is one thing you are grateful for, today?
  • List a basic thing or something that pops into your mind the moment you think "oh, I am so grateful for..... today" Could be your morning coffee, your breakfast, the hug that woke you up... the sunshine, a healthy body, home.
  • If you wish, you can also go after the big ones you truly appreciate, such as your happy relationships, your friends, your job, and so on.

Easy, no?

L is for Learning

  • What is one new thing you learned today?
  • Was it something about yourself?
  • Did you discover a particular talent you have?
  • Did you realize you have specialized knowledge about something you can share, something that is of value to others?
  • Shifting the focus away from yourself, did you learn something new and wonderful about someone? Someone you thought you knew well? Don't you love the feeling?
  • Did you develop a new perspective on something that makes you happy?
  • Always be learning! Keeps your mind fit.

A is for Accomplishment

  • What is one small accomplishment you achieved today? It needn't be something huge.
  • It can be going to bed on time.
  • It can be that extra 15 minutes of sleep you wanted to get.
  • It can be eating on time, eating healthy.
  • It can be leaving for work on time.
  • It can be that extra step towards a long term goal that excites you.
  • I've listed self care items because hey, we all need it and we just take some of the things we do routinely for granted.

I can assure you that my greatest achievement today was telling three people my son is leaving in two days - without crying or choking up.

D is for Delight

  • What is that one thing that filled you with delight today?
  • What made you laugh or smile?
  • What brought you joy?
  • Was it something beautiful you saw?
  • Was it that parrot flying across your window and deciding to perch there?
  • Was it the bud you saw that's about to bloom? A flower?
  • Was it the hilarious joke you heard?
  • Was it that tasty morsel you put in your mouth?
  • Was it the empty kitchen sink? (My favorite!)

How to practice GLAD

You need:

  • A journal and pencil or your device of choice, whatever you're comfortable with
  • Five minutes (of course you can spare that for yourself!)
  • Intention (say yes!)

Get started. Do it!

  • Try and catch a new G L A D every day!
  • Try to practice this every day for a week. I prefer the daily routine. What is important is to write it all down.
  • Yay! You did it!
  • At the end of the week take a look at your notes.
  • How did you feel about focusing on the G L A D?
  • How does it feel when you started noticing these things?
  • Is there some way, small or big, the practice benefited you?
  • Do you feel like sharing the idea with others?
  • Do you prefer to do it daily or weekly?

Make it a habit - you're welcome!

Sometimes you just do not need wires to stay connected!

Writer, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast. Love DIY, Coffee, Music, Reading, Photography, Family, Friends and Life. Mantra: Happiness is a DIY Project. In my free time I play with my dust bunnies and show my diabetes who's boss. Tweet as @vidyasury